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August 28 2023

Chamber intern spotlight: Asna Hussain

The Calgary Chamber is excited to be able to support new talent in Calgary and we are pleased to put this week’s spotlight on an intern who brings her skills, curiosity and desire to learn to the team. Asna Hussain works at the Calgary Chamber as a data analytics student and is beginning her fourth year at the University of Calgary, working towards a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in business analytics. She loves tacos, enjoys reading and gets a kick out of spotting interesting or unique license plates.

Q: What’s your favourite part about working at the Chamber?

A: My favorite part about working here is the richness of diversity and the spirit of cooperation that’s instilled in the environment. Being part of a setting that places such emphasis on teamwork and collaboration is truly fulfilling and rewarding. Additionally, I love the leadership style of my managers, who encourage room for growth and mentor me. It doesn't feel like I work for them, but rather I work with them. This supportive and inclusive atmosphere, along with the opportunity for personal and professional development, is what makes my experience at the Chamber so enjoyable and fulfilling.

Q: What have you learned, or what are you hoping to learn more about while working at the Chamber?

A: Initially, I underestimated how long data cleanup really takes. Quickly, I had to grasp the true extent of the time and effort involved in data cleanup. I am hoping to learn valuable tools and techniques to ensure accurate and efficient data cleaning.

Q: Do you have any major accomplishments or milestones from your internship that you would like to share?

A: During this internship, I've had the privilege of expanding my professional network significantly. Notably, the Calgary Chamber Charity Classic presented an excellent way to connect with influential individuals within our community, thereby enhancing my network.

Q: What are your career goals post-graduation?

A: My career goals after graduation involve finding an environment that promotes continuous self-growth and learning. As I approach the post-graduation phase, I'm excited to apply the technical skills I've gained through my education and internship experiences. The transition from school to real-life might seem intimidating, but I'm focused on seeking opportunities where I can further develop and practice these skills. I'm aiming to be part of a team that encourages professional development and provides a platform for me to contribute my abilities effectively.

Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years? What’s the big career dream?

In ten years, I envision myself having gained significant seniority as a skilled Business Analyst and successfully making a transition into Project Management. While I don't have a singular "big career dream," I’m dedicated to continually growing and evolving within my professional journey. I understand that life is full of fluctuations and I am focused on embracing each twist and turn along the way, allowing the journey to guide me. Moreover, I aim to gather valuable experiences through meaningful travel and cherished moments with my loved ones, as these aspects contribute to life's tapestry.

Q: What makes you ‘you?’ What are your favourite things to do outside of work?

A: Outside of work, I am dedicated to exploring different ways to stay active. You can find me at the gym or taking long walks at scenic locations, chasing down the sunsets. To escape reality, I lose myself in pages of books of magic realism or historical fiction.