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Current Initiatives

We spend time advocating on your behalf so you can spend time building your business.

Inflection Point: A plan for a competitive, productive, prosperous Canada

Canada is at an inflection point – one that demands a deliberate focus to boost economic growth and productivity. We believe that by enabling businesses of all sizes to expand and innovate, we can strengthen Canada’s economic foundation and global competitiveness – for the benefit of all Canadians.

We know Canada has the building blocks for success, but we have not harnessed our full economic potential.

In our report Inflection Point: A plan for a competitive, productive, prosperous Canada, we present 82 evidence-based public policy recommendations – backed and supported by both our business community and Canadians – for political parties, elected officials and civil servants to consider as they look to strengthen our global competitiveness and build a prosperous future for all.

Read the plan

Go Big on Small Business: Recommendations to Support Small Business Success

Small businesses are the backbone of Alberta's economy, with over 167,000 across the province and more than 63,000 in Calgary alone. Representing 95% of Calgary's businesses, they play a vital role in shaping the city's culture and driving its economy. However, rising costs are creating significant challenges, limiting growth opportunities. To support these businesses, the Chamber is calling on all levels of government to foster a more favorable investment climate that encourages innovation and helps small businesses overcome affordability pressures.

Read the report

2024 U.S. Election: Strengthening Canada's Economic Future

Canada and the United States have one of the largest and most comprehensive trading relationships in the world. In this three-part series, we break down this bilateral relationship in depth to understand how the U.S. election could impact the jobs, livelihoods and future prosperity for Calgarians, Albertans and Canadians.

Explore the series

Rural Connectivity: Unlocking the Alberta Advantage for Everyone

Rural Connectivity: Unlocking the Alberta Advantage for Everyone sheds light on the digital divide in rural, remote and Indigenous communities and offers solutions for all levels of government to close the connectivity gap and ensure everyone in Alberta has access to reliable, high-speed broadband.

Read our recommendations

Home Economics: Unlocking Growth through Housing Solutions

Home Economics: Unlocking Growth through Housing Solutions raises concern over waning housing affordability in Calgary and offers recommendations to all levels of government to address the housing crisis.

Read our recommendations

ACCELERATE: Driving Alberta Forward

Calgary Chamber of Commerce is pleased to release our Provincial Election Platform: ACCELERATE, our business-led, solutions-oriented plan to achieve economic strength and resilience in Alberta.

Read our recommendations

Unlocking our Talent Potential

Unlocking our Talent Potential is a four-part series that provides policy recommendations and tangible solutions to address the city's talent-related challenges.

Our recommendations

Gearing up for Growth

Recommendations for the City of Calgary to support the continued recovery and resilience of businesses

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We believe that vibrant businesses lead to vibrant communities

We advocate for policies that enable them to start, scale, and compete.