AA Rail Contracting Inc.
Abell, Maureen
About Staffing Ltd. | aboutstaffing.com
AccessHR | accesshrinc.com | Member Perk: Up to 25% off on HR packages
ACLA Retail Inc.
Acuity Advantage Home Watch | acuityadvantage.com
Adair Tree Care Ltd. | adairtreecare.com
Adele Fox & Associates | adelefox.com
Adera Technologies | aderatechnologies.ca
Advance Auto Repair
Adven Industries | adveninc.com
Advent Commercial | naiadvent.com
Adventurers School Age Care Ltd. | adventurers-sac.com
Adventures Child Care | adventureschildcare.ca
Affinity Group | affinity-group.ca
AgCall Inc. | agcall.com
Agentive Marketing | agentivemarketing.com
Agua Entrepreneurial Solutions Inc | agua.agency
AIMCo | aimco.ca
Air Canada | aircanada.com
AJM Environmental Inc. | ajmenv.com
AK West Inc. | ak-westinc.com
AKM Solutions Inc. | akmsystems.com
Alberta Blue Cross | ab.bluecross.ca
Alberta Cancer Foundation | albertacancer.ca
Alberta Cattle Feeders | cattlefeeders.ca
Alberta Central | albertacentral.com
Alberta Chamber of Resources | acr-alberta.com
Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation | childrenshospital.ab.ca
Alberta Counsel | albertacounsel.com
Alberta Ecotrust Foundation | albertaecotrust.com
Alberta Grains | albertawheatbarley.com
Alberta Innovates | albertainnovates.ca
Alberta Mortgage Brokers Association (AMBA) | amba.ca
Alberta Project Controls | abprojectcontrols.com | Member Perk: Receive free estimates and 50% off your first service booked
Alberta Securities Commission | asc.ca
Alberta University of the Arts | acad.ca
Alberta Women Entrepreneurs Association | awebusiness.com
Alggin Metal Industries Ltd. | alggin.com
Align Cost & Project Management Inc. | aligncpm.ca
Alinea International Ltd. | alineainternational.com
All Fabrication Machinery | allfabmachinery.ca
allAlberta.com | allalberta.com
Alliance Trust Company | alliancetrust.ca
Alpha Bookkeeping Services | alphabookkeeping.online | Member Perk: Chamber members receive 35% or up to $350 off on tax and bookkeeping services
AltaGas | altagas.ca
AltaLink | altalink.ca
Altitude Collaborative Health | altitudehealth.ca
Altitude IP Inc. | altitude-ip.com
Alvan, Yuan
Always Best Care Senior Services (Jiffa Inc) | alwaysbestcareCalgaryNW.com
Alykhan Velji Designs Inc. | alyveljidesigns.com
AM Stucco Corp. | amstucco.ca
Amazon | amazon.ca
AMC Air Marine Cargo | airmarinecargo.com
Ametek Canada LP | ametek.com
Amplify Advisors | amplifyadvisors.ca
Anderson Vacations | andersonvacations.ca | Member Perk: $150 OFF per person in any of their 2024 small groups
Andjelic Land Inc. | andjelic.ca
Andrea, Robertson
Anita Ip Insurance and Financial Services | anitaip.com
Ankadvise | ankadvise.com
ANK Partners Inc. | golfutureyyc.com
Antares Professional Corp. | pkfantares.com
Anthem United Communities Ltd. (United Communities L.P.) | anthemproperties.com
APC Nutrition Ltd. | sanimax.com
APCO MG International Inc. | apcomgintlinc.com
APEGA | apega.ca
APF Group | apfgroup.ca
Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation (API) | appliedpharma.ca
Ara Data and Information Services Inc.
Arcade Marketing | arcadearcade.ca
ARC Resources | arcresources.com
Arctec Alloys Ltd. | arctecalloys.com
Arete Human Resources Inc | aretehr.com
Argyle Management Limited
ARISE Labs | ariselabs.ca
Armour Equipment Sales and Rentals Ltd. | armourscaffold.ca
Arts Commons | artscommons.ca
Ashwell Consulting Inc.
Aspen Films | aspenfilms.ca
Aspen Properties | aspenproperties.ca
Aspira Britannia | aspiralife.ca
Association for Christian Schooling in Calgary South | tcskids.com
Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured | arbi.ca
ATB Financial | atb.com
ATCO Ltd. | atco.com
Athabasca University | athabascau.ca
AtkinsRéalis Canada Inc. | atkinsrealis.com
Atlas Property Services Inc. | atlasdevco.com
Aura Medical Aesthetics | auramedicalaesthetics.com | Member Perk: Chamber members receive 10% off on all services
Autism Aspergers - Autism Aspergers Div 1
Autism Aspergers Friendship Society of Calgary | aafscalgary.com
Austin, Ian
Auto World Sales Inc. | autoworldsale.com
Avatar Innovations Inc. | avatarinnovations.energy
Avenir Software Inc. | avenir-online.com
Axis Connects | axisconnects.com
Lemo, Ayobami
Ayrshire Group | ayrshire.ca
Azan Trading Company Ltd.
Azuridge Estate Hotel | azuridgehotel.com
Azolla Hydrogen Ltd. | azollahydrogen.com
Bach & Phuong Vietnamese
Bacon, Don
Baker Tilly Catalyst LLP | bakertilly.ca
Ballad Group | balladgroup.ca
Bank of Canada - Prairie Reg. Office | bank-banque-canada.ca
Bantrel Co. | bantrel.com
Basco Calgary | bascoworld.com
BASF Agricultural Solutions Canada | agsolutions.ca
Baasan, Ichinkhorol
Bayer CropScience Inc. | cropscience.bayer.ca
BDC-Business Development Bank of Canada | www.bdc.ca
Beckstate Holdings Inc.
Behzad INC | arbonne.com
Bell Canada | bell.ca
Belmor Mortgage Corporation | belmormortgage.com
Bennett Jones LLP | bennettjones.com
Berkshaw Condominium Management | berkshaw.com
Bertha Gold Jewish Senior
Bespoke Non Profit Solutions | bespokeconsult.com
Best Choice Counselling & Assessments | bestchoicecounselling.com
Best of Seven Barbers | bestofsevenbarbers.com | Member Perk: Enjoy your first Best of Seven haircut or shave for 50% off
Best Western Suites Downtown | bestwesternsuitescalgary.com
Beta Tech | btieng.com
Bethany Care Society | bethanyseniors.com
BeTheChangeYYC | bethechangeyyc.org
Better Business Bureau of Southern Alberta and East Kootenays | bbb.org
Better World Consulting
Beyond Speech Therapy Services Inc. | beyondspeechservices.com
BHE Canada | bhe-canada.ca
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Calgary and Area | bbbscalgary.ca
Big Hat Group Inc. | bighatgroup.com
Birchcliff Energy Ltd. | birchcliffenergy.com
Bird Construction | stuartolson.com
BJ's Exhibits & Services | bjexhibits.ca
BlackBox Connections | blackboxconnections.com
Black Canadian Women in Action | bcwinaction.ca
Black Diamond Group Limited | blackdiamondgroup.com
Black Earth Products | blackearth.com
Black Sheep Mattress Company | blacksheepmattress.com
Blackstone Property Management
Blast Promotions Inc. | scainteractive.com
Blue Tongue | blue-tongue.ca
Bloome IT Solutions | bloomeitsolutions.ca
BNI Alberta South | bnisalberta.ca
Boardwalk Equities Inc. | bwalk.com
Body Balance Health | bodybalancehealth.ca
Bokenfohr, Lori
BOMA Calgary | boma.ca
Desiree, Bombenon
Boom Group Inc. | boomgroup.com
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP | blg.com
Bordt Stone + Tile Ltd.
Bow Valley College | bowvalleycollege.ca
Bowest Appliances Inc. | bowestappliances.ca
Bow River Solutions | bowriversolutions.com
Brand Alive Inc. | brandalive.ca
Brass Monocle Inc. | brassmonocle.com
Breakwater Vantage | breakwatervantage.com
BreezeLearn | breezelearn.com
Breslauer & Warren Jewellers | breslauerwarren.com
Brett Lypchuk Professional Corporation | backtomotion.com
Brew Corral & Wine
Bridgeland Distellery | bridgelanddistillery.com | Member Perk: Chamber members receive $200 off all Private Event rental fees
Bright Wire | brightwireleadership.com
Brilliant Best Friends | brilliantbestfriends.org
Bri-Mor Developments | bri-mor.com
Britech Janitorial Services | cleanalberta.com
BrokerLink | brokerlink.ca | Member Perk: Offers group insurance plan
Brass Monocle Inc. | brassmonocle.com
Brister, Patricia
Bromwich+Smith | bromwichandsmith.com
Brown Economic Consulting | browneconomic.com
Browz Eyeware & Eyecare (Progressive Optometry) | browzeyeware.com
Brunel Commercial Interiors Inc. | brunel.ca
BSG Engineering Corp. | bsgengineering.com
BSS (Business Scaling Support Inc)
Budget Blinds N. Calgary | budgetblinds.com
Building Works Ltd. | buildingworks.ca
Built by Field | builtbyfield.com
Bunt & Associates | bunteng.com
Burgess, Jennifer
BURNSWEST Properties Ltd. | burnswest.com
Burwood Distillery | burwooddistillery.ca
Business Council of Alberta | businesscouncilab.com
Business Edge Coaching Inc.
Bynamic Group Inc. | bynamicgroup.com
Byrne The Books
C&T Management
C&C Petrogas Engineering | ccpge.com
Cabin Brewing Company Inc. | cabinbrewing.ca
Cactus Moving | cactusmoving.ca
Cadence Coffee | cadencecoffee.com
Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited | cadillacfairview.com
Caesar's Steak House Ltd. | caesarssteakhouse.com
CAIQTECH LTD. | caiqtech.com
Cal-Alta Auto Glass | calaltaautoglass.ca
Calgary Airport Authority | yyc.com
Calgary Arts Development | calgaryartsdevelopment.com
Calgary Casino | cashcasino.ca
Calgary Catholic Immigration Society | ccisab.ca
Calgary Centre for Global Community | humainologie.com
Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations | calgarycvo.org
Calgary Construction Association | cca.cc
Calgary CO-OP - Cooperative Association Limited | calgarycoop.com
Calgary Corporate Challenge | calgarycorporatechallenge.com
Calgary Counselling Centre | calgarycounselling.com
Calgary Crime Stoppers | calgarycrimestoppers.org
Calgary Downtown Association | downtowncalgary.com
Calgary Drop-In Centre | calgarydropin.ca
Calgary Economic Development | calgaryeconomicdevelopment.com
Calgary Elite Roofing | calgaryeliteroofing.ca
Calgary Family Eye Doctor | calgaryfamilyeyedoctors.com
Calgary Food Bank | calgaryfoodbank.com
Calgary Floor Safety | calgaryfloorsafety.com
Calgary Health Foundation | calgaryhealthfoundation.ca
Calgary Homeless Foundation | calgaryhomeless.com
Calgary Hotel Association | calgaryhotelassociation.com
Calgary Housing | calgaryhousingcompany.org
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association | ciwa-online.com
Calgary Marriott Downtown Hotel | marriott.com
Calgary Minor Soccer Association | calgaryminorsoccer.com
Calgary Montessori School | calgarymontessorischool.com
Calgary Municipal Land Corporation | calgarymlc.ca
Calgary Newcomers Guide | calgarynewcomersguide.com
Calgary Optical and Contact Lens | calgaryoptical.com
Calgary Pallet Inc.
Calgary Petroleum Club | calpeteclub.com
Calgary Pilates | calgarypilates.com
Calgary Professional Skate Service | psscalgary.com
Calgary Public Library | calgarylibrary.ca
Calgary Real Estate Board (CREB) | creb.com
Calgary Residential Rental Association | crra.ca
Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation | nhl.com/flames | Member Perk: Special discount ticket offers
Calgary Stampede | calgarystampede.com
Calgary Tax Solutions
Calgary TELUS Convention Centre | calgary-convention.com
Calgary Vision Care | calgaryvisioncare.com
Calgary West Football Club | calgarywestsoccer.com
Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society | calgarywildlife.org
Calgary Wild FC | nsl.ca
Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo | calgaryzoo.com
Calverley, Alfred
Callaway Contracting Inc.
Campus Vision Inc. | campusvision.com
Canada West Foundation | cwf.ca
Canada's 2SLGBTQI+ Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC) | cglcc.ca
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) | capp.ca
Canadian Cannabis Exchange Ltd. | canadiancannabisx.com
Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board | cceb.ca
Canadian Energy Services LP | cesenergysolutions.com
Canadian Equality Consulting | canadianequality.ca
Canadian Food Innovation Network | cfin-rcia.ca
Canadian Fuels Association | canadianfuels.ca
Canadian Greenfield Technologies Corp. | canadiangreenfield.com
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) | cibc.ca
Canadian Mental Health Association - Calgary | cmha.calgary.ab.ca
Canadian National Institute for the Blind | cnib.ca
Canadian National Railways (CN Rail) | cn.ca
Canadian Natural Resources Limited | cnrl.com
Canadian Pacific (CP) | cpr.ca
Canadian Red Cross | redcross.ca
Canadian Strategy Group | cdnstrategy.com
Canadian Weld Rod & Wire | cwrw.ca
Canadian Western Bank | cwbank.com
CanaDream | canadream.com
CANWINS/Open Door Group | canadianpartnerswin.ca
Capital Power Corporation | capitalpower.com
Captivate Media | captivate.com
Cardan Marketing Solutions | cardanmarketing.com
Care Plumbing Ltd.
Carmella Marketing | carmellamarketing.com
Carrier's Custom Crating | carrierscustomcrating.com
Carte Blanche Purchasing Corp.
CAS Corporate Governance Services Inc. | cascorp.ca
Cashyn Homes | cashynhomes.com
Caster Town Ltd. | castertown.com
Catalyst Career Connect | catalystcareerconnect.com
Catch Communications | catchcommunications.ca
CAUSA Import Export Ltd. | causacanada.com
CBRE Ltd. | cbre.ca
CDN Controls | cdncontrols.ca
Cedar Creek Properties
CEG Group | calgaryexchangegroup.ca
CEMATRIX Corporation | cematrix.com
Cenovus Energy Inc. | cenovus.com
Censea Accounting and Business Solutions | censeasolutions.ca
Centre for Newcomers | centrefornewcomers.ca
Centre for Sexuality | centreforsexuality.ca
Cerco Design | cerco.design
CGI Information Systems & Management Consultants Inc. | cgi.com
Chaise Minx
Chanin, Allan B.
Charter Coating Service (2000) Ltd. | chartercoating.com
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of Alberta (CPHR Alberta) | cphrab.ca
Chasin' Tails | chasin-tails.ca
Chemical Industries Inc. | chemind.com
Chevron Canada Resources | chevron.ca
Chiang Consulting Inc. | chiangconsulting.ca
Children's Cottage Society | childrenscottage.ab.ca
ChopValue YYC | chopvalue.com
Chow Management Inc. | catherinechow.com
CICCC - Cornerstone International Community College of Canada | ciccc.ca
Cinnamon Girl Clinic Inc. | cinnamongirlclinic.ca
CIP Office Technology | gocip.com
City Nails & Spa LTD. | calgarycitynails.com
Clear View Insurance Ltd. | clearviewinsurance.ca
Clearview Resources Ltd. | clearviewres.com
Clever Canines | clevercanines.ca
Closure Liability Mgmt
Cloud K9 Pet Services | cloudk9petservices.com
Cloud Pilots Inc. | thecloudpilots.ca
CM Designs | charmainemuzyka.com
CNGL Inc. | cngl.ca
Coast Calgary Downtown Hotel & Suites | coasthotels.com | Member Perk: Save 20% off at Coast Calgary Downtown Hotel & Suites by APA
Coastal Resources Limited
Cobb & Associates Inc.
Cole International Inc. | coleintl.com
Columbia College Employment Partnerships | columbiacollege-cssd.ca
Comfort Paws Veterinary | comfortpawsvet.com
Commissionaires - Southern Alberta | cccsab.ca
Community Connections Child Care
Comply Inc. | complyinc.ca
Concorde Group | concordegroup.ca
Conestoga Trucking Ltd.
ConocoPhillips Canada | conocophillips.com
Control Chemical (1989) Corporation | matexdrillingfluids.ca
Cool Returns Inc. | coolreturn.ca
Cooper, G. Brent
Corporate Promotional Products Canada | corppromo.com | Member Perk: Save 20% Off Branded Promotional Merchandise and a Free art set up
Cosmo Photobooths | cosmophotobooths.com
Costco Wholesale | costco.ca
Cotetech Holdings | Bbjtools.ca
CottageCare of Calgary | cottagecare.com
Cottonwood Creative | cottonwood.consulting
Country Hills Egg Farm | cheggs.ca
Courtyard by Marriott, Calgary South | marriott.com
CoverUp Blinds and Shades | coverupblindsandshades.ca
CPA - Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta (CPA) | cpaalberta.ca
CPP Investments | cppinvestments.com
Crabapple Clothing Company (2010) Ltd. | crabappleclothing.com
Crave Cupcakes | cravecupcakes.ca | Member Perk: 10% off all orders over $18
Creative Sparq Inc. | creativesparq.ca
CrossFit Sunalta | crossfitsunalta.com
Crossroads Market Ltd | crossroadsmarket.ca
Crowfoot Brake & Muffler
CRS Capital Management Inc.
Curious Hair Salons | rucurious.ca
Curious Hair University District | rucurious.ca
Currie, John
CVC Market Point Inc. | cvcmarketpoint.com
Cybera Inc. | cybera.ca
CyberCloud-AI | cybercloud-ai.com
D&S University District
Daley, Shannan
Dalhousie Community Association/OSC | dalhousiecalgary.ca
Dang Good Carpet and Furnace Cleaning | danggoodcarpetandfurnacecleaning.com
Daughter Creative Inc. | daughtercreative.com
David Blom Professional Corporation
Davidson Mattice Inc. | davidsonmattice.com
David Warkentin Professional Corporation - Chartered Professional Accountant | dwcga.com
Dawn Gordon Tractor Service Inc. | dgtractorservice.com
DC-Osadchuk Holdings Inc.
DCS Global Enterprise Canada Inc. | dcsglobaladvisors.com
Deaf & Hear Alberta | deafandhearalberta.ca
Death Maven | deathmaven.ca
Dedicated Developments Ltd.
Deep Brar Prof Corp. | brarlawfirm.com
Deerfoot Carpet & Flooring (Formerly OPUS Floors Canada Corp.) | deerfootcarpet.com
De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Ltd. | dehavilland.com
Deliver Digital | deliverdigital.ca
Deloitte | deloitte.ca
Dencorp Online Services Inc. (Recall Max) | recallmax.com
Desjardins Integrity Ltd. | desjardinsintegrity.ca
Deslauries, Al
DETAC Corporation | detac.com
Deugro (Canada) Inc. | deugro.com
Devenir Luxury Resale | devenirluxuryresale.com
Devonshire Realty | maxwelldevonshirerealty.com
Dewald, Jim
Dexteritas | dexteritas.ca
Dhillon School of Business - University of Lethbridge in Calgary | ulethbridge.ca/Calgary
DIALOG | dialogdesign.ca
Dilas International Ltd. | dilas.ca
Direct Energy | directenergy.ca
DIRTT Environmental Solutions | dirtt.net
Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society | discoveryhouse.ca
Displayco Canada Inc. | displayco.ca
Distress Centre Calgary | distresscentre.com
DKTek Software Corporation
dmg events | dmgevents.com
Dots and Lines | dotslines.ca
Doodle Dogs | doodledogsyyc.com
DoorDash Technologies Canada Inc. | doordash.com
Double Clean Inc. Group of Companies | doubleclean.ca
Dovetail PM Inc. | dovetailpm.ca
Downhill Karting by Skyline | downhillkarting.ca
DVG Capital | dvgcapital.ca
Dr. Agitha Valiakalayil
Dr. Albert Lui Professional Corp. | drlui.ca
Dr. Brent MacDonald Dentistry | drbrentmacdonald.ca
Dr. Diana Monea Prof Corp. | eyehealthcentres.com
Dr. Gail V. Barrington
Drive Workforce Lodging | drive-mod.com
Driverseat (Calgary North and West) | driverseatinc.com | Member Perk: 10% off white glove bespoke transportation services
DSI Estate Planning Inc. | dsiestate.com
Eau Claire Athletic Club | ecathleticclub.ca
eCommerce Canada | ecommercecanada.com
Edco Financial Holdings Ltd.
Edelman | edelman.ca
EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc. | edynamics.com
EDI Immigration Consulting Ltd. | edibusinessconsulting.com
Efficiency North Limited | efficiencynorth.org
Electronic Recycling Association | electronicrecyclingassociation.ca
Rosholt, Eli
ELF Solutions Inc. | erinthorp.ca
ELS Northwestern Investment - Silver Springs Daycare | silverspringschildcare.ca
EMCO Corporation/The Ensuite Bath and Kitchen Showroom | ensuitecalgary.com
Emperor Homes Ltd. | empirecustomhomes.com
Empire Provisions | empireprovisions.com
En Pointe Consulting Inc. | enpointeconsulting.org
ENA2 Innovative Consulting Inc. | ena2.com
Enbridge Inc. | enbridge.com
Encore | encoreglobal.com
Enersul Inc. | enersul.com
Enflow Industries Inc. | enflow.ca
Enhance Energy | enhanceenergy.com
ENMAX Corporation | enmax.com
Enterprise Fleet Management | efleets.ca
Environmental Diagnostics Inc. | environmental-diagnostics.com
EPCO | epco.ca
Epco Equipment Procure
Epic Woodwork Ltd. | epicwoodworkltd.blogspot.com
EPT Clean Oil | cleanoil.com
Erick Hunt - Raymond James | raymondjames.ca
Eric's House | ericshouse.ca
Erin Friesen Professional Corp. | erinfriesencga.ca
Erin Thorp | erinthorp.ca
ERP-One Consulting | erp-one.com
Esker Foundation | eskerfoundation.com
Espy Experience Inc. | espyexperience.com
Essence Recruitment Inc. | essencerecruitment.ca
eStruxture | .estruxture.com
Eurotech Spray Products
Eventcombo Inc. | eventcombo.com
Everbrave Branding Group Ltd. | everbrave.ca
Evidence Sport and Spine | evidencesportandspinal.com
Evolutions School of Dance | evolutionsdance.com
Evotek Consulting Inc. | evotek.ca
EVStenroos | evstenroos.com
Excel Trailers Ltd.
Executive Mat Service Ltd. | executivemat.com
Executive Recruiters | executiverecruiters.ca
EXP Services Inc. | exp.com
Express Employment | expresspros.com
Express Employment Professionals | expresspros.com
Expressions Dental | expressionsdental.ca
EY | ey.com
F&D Scene Changes Ltd. | fdscene.com
Fairmont Palliser | fairmont.com/palliser
Falkbuilt | falkbuilt.com
Lori Bokenfohr | fasken.com
Family Flooring
Farm Credit Canada | fcc-fac.ca
Feel Good IV Therapy | feelgoodivtherapy.com
Felesky Flynn LLP | felesky.com
Fever | fever1995.com
FFG Solutions Inc. | ffgsolutions.ca
Fillip Fleet | fillipfleet.com
Fire Fly Solar Inc. | fireflysolar.ca
First Choice Cellars Inc. | fccellars.com
First Choice Accounting and Tax Inc. | firstchoiceactax.com
First Executive Centre Ltd. | firstexec.ca
First Resort Delivery | firstresortdelivery.com
Fitness Machine Technicians (Alberta) | fitnessmachinetechnicians.com
Flair Airlines | flyflair.com
Flaman, Leo
Fledge Ventures Inc. | cap-it.com
Fletcher, Dwayne
Fleurish Flower Shop | fleurishflowershop.ca
Flipp Advertising | flippadvertising.com
Flores and Pine | floresandpine.com
Fluor Canada Ltd. | fluor.com
Focused Forward | focusedforward.ca
Forco Equipment Mechanical Services Inc | forcomechanical.com
Forgo Industries (formerly ABS Oilfield Supply) | absoilfield.com
FortisAlberta Inc. | fortisalberta.com
Forum Community Relations | forumrelations.com
Foster & Company Ltd. | fosterandcompany.com
Foster’s Garden Chapel Funeral Home & Crematorium | dignitymemorial.com
Frame Financial Inc.
Frangrow Consulting Inc. | frangrow.ca
Fraser & Fig Inc. | fraserandfig.com
Fresh Culture Ltd.
Freshly Pressed | freshly-pressed.ca
Frontier Solutions Inc. | frontiersolutions.ca
Furniture Connection Ltd. | furnitureconnection.ca
Future Stars Daycare | futurestarsdc.ca
Fuzeium Innovations Inc. | fuzeium.com
FWBA Architects | fwbarch.com
Gail Urquhart Consulting | gailurquhart.com
Garrison Strategy | garrisonstrategy.ca
Gateway Public Affairs | gatewaypublicaffairs.ca
Gateway Association | gatewaytodiversity.ca
General Magnetic Canada Inc. | generalmagnetic.ca
Genstar Development Company | genstar.com
Gerald D. Chipeur professional Corporation | millerthomson.com
Germain Hotels | germainhotels.com
Gibson Energy ULC | gibsonenergy.com
Gillcan Global Inc. | gillcan.com
Glenbow Museum | glenbow.org
Global Kids Academy Ltd. | globalkidsacademycalgary.com
Global Public Affairs | globalpublicaffairs.ca
Global Software Solutions
Global Truck & Trailer Repair Ltd.
GO GO GOLF | gogogolf.ca
Gojo Takeout & Bakery | gojotakeoutbakery.com
Golden Bell Saigon Palace | goldenbellrichmond.ca
Golden Channels Inc. | goldenchannels.com
Gold's Gym Calgary | goldsgymcalgary.ca
Goodlawyer | goodlawyer.ca | Member Perk: Receive $100 in credits toward your first Goodlawyer service
GoodLife Fitness | goodlifefitness.com
Goodwill Industries of Alberta | goodwill.ab.ca
Gothard Holdings Inc.
Gowling WLG | gowlingwlg.com
Grace C McKay Professional Corp. | gcmcpa.ca
Graham Group | grahambuilds.com
GrainsConnect Canada | grainsconnect.com
Grandy, Gina
Grant Thornton Chartered Accountants | grantthornton.ca
Graymont Western Canada Inc. | graymont.com
GRC Food Services Ltd.
Great Events Catering Inc. | greateventsgroup.com
Great Excavations Inc. | greatexcavations.ca
Greater Vancouver Board Of Trade | boardoftrade.com
Great News Media | greatnewsmedia.ca
Greco International Sales Corp. (formerly Innovasian Cuisine Canada - ULC) | grecointl.ca
Green Bean Restaurant | greenbeancatering.com
Green Calgary Association | greencalgary.org
Grey Eagle Resort & Casino | greyeaglecasino.ca
Grin Whitening Clinic | grinwhiteningclinic.com
Grizzly Equipment Repair Inc. | grizzlyrepair.ca
GSC Consulting Limited
GT and Company | gtandcompany.ca
GT Process Solutions Ltd. | gtprocesssolutions.ca
Guardian Telecom Ltd. | guardiantelecom.com
Guichon, Brian
Habebes’ LTD | habebes.com
Hair Joint Venture Ltd. | style-creation-salon-spa.business.site
Hammehr Talent Consultants Inc. | hammehr.com
Hammerhead Business Solutions | hammerheadbs.com
Hannah Advisory Group
Harvard Developments Inc. | harvard.ca
Harvest Marketing (Canada) Inc.
Harvest Ventures Inc. | harvestvi.com
Haskayne and Partners | haskayne.com
Hatt Automotive & Fleet | hattautomotive.com
Haworth | haworth.com
Healine Wellness
Heartland Generation | heartlandgeneration.com
Heart to Home Meals | hearttohomemeals.ca
Heaven Artisan GF Cuisine | heavengf.com
Helcim Inc. | helcim.com | Member Perk: Receive $5000 in fee-free processing when you sign-up with Helcim
Hellamaid Cleaning Services of Calgary | hellamaid.ca
Hemisphere Capital Management Inc. | hemisphere.ca
Hempalta Inc. | hempalta.com
Hendrix Law | hendrixlaw.ca
Hericane Promotions | hericanepromotions.ca
Heritage Calgary | heritagecalgary.ca
Heritage Park Society | heritagepark.ca
HEXERYTEC | hexerytec.com
High Point Plumbing & Heating Ltd. | highpoint.pro
Hill & Knowlton Strategies | hkstrategies.ca
Hinton, Gary
Hip Image | hipimage.ca
HJBaker Sulphur Canada | oxbow.com
Homes by Avi (Canada) Inc. | homesbyavi.com
Honens International Piano Competition & Festival | honens.com
Honeyside Gis Services Li | honeyside.ca
Hooper, Jennifer
Hopfner, Chris
Hotel Arts | hotelarts.ca
Howe Gastmeier Chapnik Limited | acoustical-consultants.com
Humming Bee Inc. | hummingbee.ca | Member Perk: Enjoy 15% off hourly HR support packages including hourly recruiting, policy writing and more!
Hyatt Regency Calgary | hyatt.com
Hydra Lawn & Garden Inc.
Hyspecs Eyewear | iwearhyspecs.com
I Am Spark Inc. | dafnecanales.com
Ideal Weight Control Clinic
iFLY Indoor Skydiving | iflyworld.ca
Ignite Fitness Holdings | planetfitness.com
Ignite Nutrition | ignitenutrition.ca
IKEA Calgary | ikea.ca/calgary
Imperial Oil Limited | imperialoil.ca | Member Perk: Save 3.5¢ per litre with the Esso and Mobil Business Fleet Card Program
IMT Standens | standens.com
Inclusive Concepts | inclusiveconcepts.ca
Independent Power Producers Society of Alberta (IPPSA) | ippsa.com
In Front Marketing | infrontmarketing.ca
Inner Wisdom & Healing Inc.
Inn from the Cold | innfromthecold.org
Innocapital Corporation | innocapital.ca
Innova Power Solutions Inc. | innova-power.com
Innovate Calgary | innovatecalgary.com
Innovation Science and Economic Development (ISED) | ic.gc.ca
Innovative Sport Medicine | innovativesportmedicine.ca
Insurance Bureau of Canada | ibc.ca
Intact Insurance Company | intactfc.com
Integrated Geomatics Inc. | integratedgeomatics.com
Integrated Informatics Inc. | integrated-informatics.com
Intelbyte | intelbyte.ca | Member Perk: Get a free consultation and a 10% discount
Interface Financial Group | interfacefinancial.com
InterGen Canada Inc. | intergenconnect.com
Intramed Medical/Crouse-Strauss Professional | intramed.ca
Intrinsic Innovations | intrinsicinnovations.ca
Introba Canada LLP | introba.com
Invest Alberta Corporation | investalberta.ca
Invico Capital Corporation | invicocapital.com
Invisible Windows Inc. | invisiblewindows.ca
IRIS the Visual Group | iris.ca | Member Perk: Save on vision care needs
Iron Clad TEK | ironcladtek.com
Italian Centre Shop | italiancentre.ca
Italiano Please! Ltd. | italianoplease.com
IT Zone Northern Limited Company | itzone.mn
IX Solutions Ltd | ixsolutions.ca
J & S Building Maint.
J. Vair Anderson Ltd. | jvairanderson.com
JAG.YYC Consulting Ltd. | jagyyc.ca
Janet Brown Opinion Research | planetjanet.ca
Janet Soles and Associates | jssearch.ca
Jason, Humeniuk
Jason Ingimundson Prof.
JCI Calgary | facebook.com/groups/jcicalgary/
JD's AutoTech | jdsauto-tech.com
Jelly Digital Marketing & PR | jellymarketing.com
Jels Corp - Jennifer Garvin
Jemini Hair Artistry | jeminihairartistry.com
JJL Management Corp.
JL13 Concepts Inc | jl13concepts.ca
JMMK Plumbing & Heating
Jody A Johnstone Insurance | jodyjohnston.com
Johnson, Cy
Johnston Morrison Hunter & Co. LLP Chartered Accountants | jmhca.com
Jonathan McKearney P.C. | jonathanmckearneypc.com
JORI Logistics | jori.ca
JP Morgan | jpmorganchase.com
Jubilee Engineering Consultants Ltd. | jubileeengineering.com
Junction 9 Yoga & Pilates | junction9.ca
Just John's Ltd.
Kantor LLP | kantorllp.ca
Karma Salon | karma.salon
Karmic Books Inc.
Kaufmann, William (Bill) L.
Kaval Industries Ltd. | kaval.ca
KAZIR CONSULTING INC. | kazirconsulting.ca
Kenway Mack Slusarchuk Stewart LLP | kmss.ca
Keyera Corp. | keyera.com
Keyserv Key Property Services Ltd.
Kidz Cave Academy | kidzcaveacademy.com
KidZinc School Age Care Society of Alberta | calgarykidzinc.ca
Kinsted Wealth | kinsted.com
Kiwetinohk Energy | kiwetinohk.com
Klassen Insurance Agency Ltd. | klasseninsurance.com
Khanna, Nikhil
Kokanee Springs Resort - Pinnacle Lifestyles | kokaneesprings.com
Kokemor Studio Inc.
Kondruk, Danielle L.
Kory Smith Holdings
KPMG MSLP | kpmg.ca
Rabidoux, Krista
KSP Technology Inc. | ksp.ca
Kuehne + Nagel Ltd. | ca.kuehne-nagel.com
Kuva Canada Inc. | kuvasystems.com
KV Capital Inc. | kvcapital.ca
Stuart, Kwong
Lagrangian Inc.
Lake Bonavista Dental Associates Ltd. | lakebonavistadental.com
Lakeside Spa
Lammle's Western Wear | lammles.com
Larawan Studio | larawanstudio.com | Member Perk: Members can enjoy a 10% discount on any of our Photo Booth Packages
Laura Madge RMT | restoringwellness.ca
Lawcubator Technologies Inc. | lawcubator.com
Lawrence Licensed Interior Design Inc. | lawrence-inc.ca
Lawson Collab | lawsoncollab.com
Lead and Anchor Corp.
Lee, Victoria
Leger Marketing | leger360.com
Lemmex Williams Training Inc. | lemmexwilliams.com
Level 52 Inc. | level52.ca
LFT Professionals Inc.
LGFG Clothing Inc. | lgfgfashionhouse.com
Liber Kitchen Cabinets | liberdesign.ca
Lifemark | lifemarkvocational.ca
Lighthouse Energy Group | lhe-group.com
Lighthouse Labs | lighthouselabs.ca
Lignum Interiors Inc. | lignuminteriors.com
Little Rock Document | littlerockprinting.com | Member Perk: 20% off printing services in Calgary
Livingston International Inc. | livingstonintl.com
Liquid Capital Smart Solutions Ltd. | smartliquidcapital.com
Loam Bio Inc | loambio.com
Lobstick Project Solutions Inc. | lobstickprojectsolutions.com
Local Laundry | locallaundry.ca | Member Perk: Receive a pair of luxurious Made in Canada Organic Cotton Bamboo Socks worth $20 with purchase
Lockhart LLP | lockhartllp.ca
Logical Real Estate Solutions INC. | realogics.ca
Lola Lash Bar | lolalashbar.com
Longhorn Ad Board Co. | longhornadboardco.com
Longview Communications & Public Affairs | longviewcomms.ca
Loria Investments Limited
Lougheed, Joseph
Luna Child And Youth
Lundgren & Young Insurance Ltd./Excel & Y Insurance Services Ltd. | excelandy.ca
Lyft, Inc. | Lyft.com
M3 Development Management Ltd. | m3dm.ca
MacEachern, Grant
MacKenzie, Malcolm J.
Macleod Optometry | macleodoptometry.ca
Maggie Liu Wealth and Investment Advisor | ca.rbcwealthmanagement.com/web/maggie.liu | Member Perk: Complimentary wealth planning for all Chamber members
Magnum Consultants | magnumwineandspirits.com
MakeSens Inc. | makesens.ca
Make Your Mark Today Inc. | makeyourmarktoday.ca
Malo Real Estate Professional's Ltd. | ezramalo.ca
Mancal Corporation | mancal.com
Manchester Properties Inc. | manchesterproperties.ca
Maniatis Holdings Ltd.
Manpower Services (Alberta) Ltd. | manpowerab.com
Mari Bakeshop
Mark Olson Holdings
Marketing Guardians | marketingguardians.com
Master Chocolat | masterchocolat.com
Matcha Booster Inc.
MatchBox Consulting Group | matchboxhr.com
Matchless YYC | matchlessyyc.com
Maverick Agency | maverickagency.ca
Mawer Investment Management Ltd. | mawer.com
Max Tayefi Architect Inc. | mt-arch.ca
MAXgreen Windows, Doors, Siding and Roofing | maxgreen.ca
Maxwell Canyon Creek | bigrockrealty.ca
MaxWell South Star Realty | maxwellrealty.ca
Mayfair Diagnostics | radiology.ca
Mayflower Ventures LP
Mbawuike, Daniel
MCAP Service Corporation | mcap.com
McCarthy Tetrault LLP | mccarthy.ca
McCrum's Office Furnishings | mccrums.com
McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd. | mcdan.com
MCG Careers Inc. | mcgcareers.com
McKenzie Towne Medical Clinic | scpcn.ca
McKillop, Duncan
McLennan Ross LLP, Legal Counsel | mross.com
MCM Property Management Ltd.
McMan Calgary & Area | mcmancalgary.ca
McMillan LLP | mcmillan.ca
Medical Express | medicalexpress.ca
MeDM | medm.ca
MEG Energy | megenergy.com
Melissa Caouette Consulting Inc. | melissacaouette.com
Memory Anchor Inc. | memoryanchor.com
Mercator Ai | mercator.ai
MetCredit | metcredit.com
Method Dental | mymethod.ca
Metro Dental Care | metrodentalcare.ca
Michael's Restaurant (Pedoulas Holdings | michaelspizza.ca
Milimaka Miles Management Consultants Inc.
Millcreek Painters | millcreekpainters.com/painters-calgary
Minerva Financial Services Inc
Minhas Brewery | minhasbrewery.com/pizzabrew
Minuk Law
Mirage Landscaping Inc. | miragelandscaping.ca
Mixed Sweet Media | mixedsweetmedia.com
MKA Canada Inc. | mkainc.ca
MNP LLP | mnp.ca
Moby | getmoby.com
Modern Wellbore Solutions Ltd. | mordernwells.com
Momentum | momentum.org
Monark Inc. | leadwithmonark.com
Montem Resources | montem-resources.com
Moodys Private Client Law LLP | accounting.moodysprivateclient.com
Moonlight & Eli Champagne & Fondue Bar | moonlightandeli.com
Motiv Studio | motiv.digital
Mphasis Canada | mphasis.com
Mr. Diesel Inc. | mrdieselinc.ca
MRU Growth Catalyst | growthcatalyst.ca
MRU - Mount Royal University | mtroyal.ca
Multivista/Woodrose Photographic | multivista.com
Murray MacKay Professional Corporation | albertalawyer.com
Muttley Crue Inc. | muttleycrue.ca
Myntex | myntex.com
Naburva Business Solutions Inc. | naburva.com
Natalie L Mohammed Professional Corp. | mcmaclaw.com
Nation2Nation Events | nation2nation.ca
National Bank | nbc.ca
National Music Centre | nmc.ca
Navigator | navltd.com
Neal's Yard Remedies | nealsyardremedies.ca
Neil Squire Society | neilsquire.ca
Netherlands Investment Company of Canada Limited
Network Recycling Inc. | nrirecycle.com
Neva Perrotte Insurance Agency Inc. | westcalgaryinsurance.com
New West Public Affairs Inc. | newwestpublicaffairs.ca
Nexus Exhibits Ltd. | NEXUSEXHIBITS.com
NineIrons Inc. | nineirons.ca
NL0 | nlzero.ca
NLP Profiles
NNBB Consulting | nnbbconsulting.com
NPower Canada | npowercanada.ca
Noga, Aaron
Northback | northback.ca
North Calgary Dance Centre | northcalgarydance.com
Northeast Addiction and Mental Health Centre for Holistic Recovery | namrecovery.com
Northeast Wholesale Inc. | northeastwholesale.com
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology | nait.ca
Northweather Corporation | northweather.com
Northwest Prosthodontics | northwestprosthodontics.ca
Northwest Storage (Formerly Opal Management) | northweststorage.ca
Noto Gelato | notogelato.ca
NOVA Chemicals Corporation | novachem.com
Novara Human Capital Solutions | novarahcs.com
Nurish’d | nurishd.io
Nurse Next Door | nursenextdoor.com
Nutrien (Canada) Holdings ULC | nutrien.com
Nutrilytical Inc. | nutrilytical.ca
Nutters Everyday Naturals | nutters.com
Nuud Inc.
NW Endodontics | nwendodontics.ca
Oasis Medical Clinic
Ocean and River Cruises Travel | oceanrivercruises.com
Octavia Group
O’Gallagher-Rigal, Kyna
OGL Engineering
Olds College | oldscollege.ca
Olufunke, Fasunon
Olympia Trust Company | olympiatrust.com
One11 Editing | one11editing.com
OneContact Integrated Facility Services | onecontactifs.com
OneWest Events Inc. | onewestevents.com
On Site Services Intrntl
OnX Canada | onx.com
Onyx And Ivory Salon Inc. | onyxandivory.ca
Onyx Massage
OPA Souvlaki | opasouvlaki.ca
Opa Souvlaki Franchise Group | opasouvlaki.ca
Optimize Professional Corporation | optimizecpa.ca
OPUS Capital Corp. | opuscorp.ca
Orange Frog Productions Inc. | orangefrogproductions.ca
Ornamental Stone Inc. | ornamentalstone.ca
Osborne Group Contract Executives Corp. | osborneinterim.com
Osman Anwar Prof. Corp.
Osuji & Smith Lawyers | osujismith.ca
Stephen, Osnick
Ottisgabs Actuity | ottisgabsactuity.com
Outlaw Automation | outlaw.ca
Overseas Horse Services | overseashorseservices.com
Ovintiv | encana.com
Oxbow Energy Solutions
Oxford Properties Group | southcentremall.com
P & R Practice Administration Inc.
P. Burns Resources Limited
Pacific Western Transportation Ltd. | pwt.ca
Paper Crane
Parallèle Alberta | lecdea.ca
Park Digital Inc. | parkdigital.ca
Park & Jet Ltd. | parkandjetcalgary.com | Member Perk: Receive a 16% discount on all parking at Park & Jet
Parkland Fuel Corporation | parkland.ca
Parks Foundation Calgary | parksfdn.com
Patching Associates Acoustical Engineering Ltd. | patchingassociates.com
Pathways Alliance | pathwaysalliance.ca
PATTISON Outdoor Advertising | pattisonoutdoor.com | Member Perk: Get 25% off on OOH advertising with PATTISON Outdoor
Paul Davis Restoration Calgary | calgary.pauldavis.ca
Payworks Inc. | payworks.ca
PBA Land & Development | pbaland.com
PCL Construction Management Inc. | pcl.com
Peak Perfection Travel Corporation | peakperfection.ca
Pefanis Horvath LLP | pefanishorvath.com
Pembina | www.pembina.com
Pengcorp Ltd.
Peregrine General Pest Control | peregrinepestcontrol.ca
Perma Pipe Canada | permapipe.com
Personal Movers | personalmovers.ca
Perry Feldman Professional Corporation | fasken.com
Peter Wallis Consulting Limited
Peterson Instruments | petersoninst.com
Petro Management Group Ltd. | petromgt.com
Petrolink Global Supplies Inc | petrolinkgs.com
Petronas Canada | petronascanada.com
Pfeiffer, Irene
Phoenix Blvck Enterprise | instagram.com/phoenix_blvck
Photos With Finesse | photoswithfinesse.com
Pipeline Integrity Group Canada Inc. | pigint.com
Pioneer Petrotech Services Inc. | pioneerps.com
Platform Calgary | platformcalgary.com
Plenum IT Services | plenumgroup.ca
PlusMa Eyewear Corp. | plusmaeyewear.com
PME Inc. | pmeinc.ca
POS Experts
Power Properties Ltd. | powerproperties.net
Prairie Merchant | canoefinancial.com
Prairie Sky Strategy | prairieskystrategy.ca
Precision Autobody | precisionauto.ca
Precision Mounting Technologies | precisionmounts.com
Precision Spinal Care/Advance Wellness Clinic | precisionspinalcare.ca
Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Centre | pilsc.org
Premier Security Products
Process Ecology | processecology.com
Prevost | prevostcar.com
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | pwc.com
Primaris Health | primarishealth.ca
Print Three | printthree.ab.ca
PrinterWorks West Inc. | printerworkswest.com
Professional Excavators & Construction Inc. | professionalexcavators.com
Profilio | profilio.ca
Propel Insurance and Advisory | propeladvisory.ca
Proshow Audiovisual | proshow.com
Prospect Human Services Society | prospectnow.ca
Protech Diamond Tools Inc. | protechdiamondtoolsinc.com
Protective Surface | protectivesurface.com
Providence Corrosion Ltd. | providencecorrosion.com
Publicis Sapient | publicissapient.com
Pulak, Gerald
Pulp Shred | pulpshred.com
PQ Signs and Designs | pqsigns.com
QCD Technology | qcdtech.ca
Qnovate Solutions Inc. | qnovate.com
Qualico | qualico.com
Quality Transmission | qualitytransmission.com
Quarantine Restraints Ltd. | quarantinerestraints.com
Quentell Enterprises Inc. | nahemorrhoidscentreab.ca
Quintal, Terry
Rabboni Suport Services Inc. | rabbonisupportservices.com
Radiance Family Society | linkedin.com/company/radiancefamilysociety/
Ralcomm Ltd. | ralcomm.com
Ramada Plaza Calgary Downtown | ramadacalgary.com
Ramble Films Inc. | rambleritual.com
Ramsay Customs & Logistics | ramsaylogistics.com
Rana Law | ranalaw.ca
Ranahan Resources Limited
Randy Gallant-EXP Realty | randygallantrealestate.com
Raven Bay Services | ravenbay.com
Ray Strategic Marketing Ltd. | raystrategicmarketing.com
RBC - Royal Bank of Canada | rbc.com
RBH - Rothmans, Benson & Hedges | rbhinc.ca
Reconciliation Energy Transition Inc. | projectreconciliation.ca
Recruitment Partners Inc | recruitmentpartners.ca
Red Arrow Motorcoach | redarrow.ca | Member Perk: Calgary Chamber members receive 10% off their Red Arrow tickets
Red Carpet Inn | redcarpetinnsuites-hotel.business.site
Red Deer Chamber of Commerce | reddeerchamber.com
RedGuard (A box 4 U LLC) | redguard.com
Redhead Artificial Lift Ltd. | redheadlift.com
RedPoint Media Group | redpointmedia.ca | Member Perk: 15% off all digital advertising and first-time content writing services
REES Technology Group Inc. | reescommunity.com
Reliable Scale Corporation | reliablescale.com
Renegade Cheerleading Inc | renegadecheer.com
Repowered Leadership | repoweredleadership.com
Residence Inn Calgary Downtown/Beltline District | marriott.com
ResVR | resvr.com
Revo Group Inc.
RGO Products Ltd. | rgo.ca
Risewell Psychology | risewellpsychology.com
Rishi Nolan Strategies | rishinolan.com
Riker & Company Acct.
River Rock Consulting Inc.
Road Aider | roadaider.ca | Member Perk: Members enjoy a 20% discount on Roadside Assistance Plans
Robertson College | robertsoncollege.com
Rocket House Productions | rockethouse.ca
Rockies Immigration Services | rockiesimmigration.ca
Rockmount Financial Corporation | rockmountcorp.com
Rockwood Custom Homes | rockwoodcustomhomes.com
Rocky Mountain Bagel Company Ltd. | thebagel.ca
Rodina Ventures Ltd. | rodinaventures.com
Rodney’s Oyster House Calgary | rodneysoysterhouse.com
Rogers Communications Canada Inc. | rogers.com
Rope-A-Dope Windows Inc. | ropeadope.ca
Rosholt, Eli
Round Rock Developers Inc. | roundrock.ca
Routine Inc. | routinecream.com
Roxanne Charbonneau
Roxley Games | roxley.com
Roy Olsen & Co. Ltd.
RSLS 2000 Inc. | saurus.ca
RSM Canada | rsmcanada.com
Russell Public Relations Inc. | russellpr.com
Russell Reynolds Associates | russellreynolds.com
Ryan Murphy Construction Inc. | ryanmurphyconstruction.com
S Marar Professional Corporation ( aka: Reliance CPA) | reliancecpa.ca
S. Welsh Consulting/Mohawk College Enterprises Leadership Programs | swelshconsulting.com
Safe Design Operations
SafeLink Alberta | safelinkalberta.ca
Sage Hill Animal Hospital
SAIT | sait.ca
Sali Consulting Ltd.
Salopek & Associates Ltd. | salopekconsulting.com | Member Perk: One free HR document download from E-store and 10% off all HR consulting services
SAMM European Design | sammeuropeandesign.com | Member Perk: Members enjoy a complimentary first-time consultation
Sandstone Asset Management Inc. | sandstoneam.com
Sarah Rinke - Student
SAS Institute (Canada) Inc. | sas.com
SaskTel | sasktel.com
Savin, Robert
Scotiabank | scotiabank.com
Schanks International | schanks.com
Scholarships Cafe Inc. | scholarshipscafe.com | Member Perk: Special discounts for personalized scholarship consultations and document reviews
Sector Energy Ltd. | sectorenergyltd.com
Secured Net Solutions Inc. | securednet.ca
Secure-Energy | secure-energy.com
Sensible Marketer | sensiblemarketer.ca
Sentinel Storage | sentinel.ca
Serendipity Media Ltd.
Servus Credit Union | servus.ca
Shakers Family Fun Centre
Shakti Strategies | Sabrina Grover
Shape Property Management Corp. | shapeproperties.com
Shark Club Calgary North | sharkclub.com
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute | shastriinstitute.org
Shaun Ford & Company | shaunfordandco.com
Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre | lunacentre.ca
Shell Canada Limited | shell.ca
Shellard, Adrian
Shelter Movers Calgary | sheltermovers.com/calgary/
Shift Accessibility Contractors Ltd. | shiftaccessibility.ca
SHiFT Connect Ltd. (formerly Axiom Foreign Exchange International) | shiftconnect.com
Showpass | myshowpass.com
Sigler, Murray
Simon Lift Systems Inc. | simonlift.com
Simpli Dental / J. Cho-Jowsey Corp.
Simply Structured Ltd. | simplystructured.ca
Sinneave Family Foundation | sinneavefoundation.org
Situated | situated.co
Sixl Enterprises Ltd.
Chemical Evolution Ltd. | sixring.com
SKD Investment Ltd O/A Mucho Burrito
Skeena Capital Limited | skeenaresources.com
Skinpossible Laser & Light | skinpossible.ca
Sky Energy Management Company | sky-energy.com
SkyFire Energy Inc. | skyfireenergy.com
SMI Holdings Limited
Smith, David E.
Snap Beauty Mirror Photo Booth | snapbeautyphotobooth.com | Member Perk: Chamber members can enjoy a $150 discount towards any Snap Beauty Mirror Photo Booth Package
Snap-N-Go Luxury PhotoBooth | snap-n-gophotobooth.com | Member Perk: 15% discount on Photo Booth Packages
Sock Rocket | sockrocket.ca
Solve Consulting | solveconsulting.ca
Some Like It Hot Ltd. | hungryvolcano.com
Sona Visual (Formerly Sonapix Inc.) | sonavisual.com
Source Office Furniture | source.ca
Sound-Rite Inc. | sound-rite.com
South Calgary Funeral Centre and Crematorium | dignitymemorial.com
Southland Registrations Ltd. | southreg.ca
Southland Transportation Ltd. | southland.ca
Southport Psychology Inc. | southportpsychology.com
Southside Equipment Sales Ltd. | southsideequipmentltd.com
Sparks Planning Group | sparksplanninggroup.com
Sparta Movers Inc. | spartamovers.com
Spartan Controls Ltd. | spartancontrols.com
Specsavers - Chinook Centre | specsavers.ca/stores/chinookcentre
Specsavers - Marlborough Mall | specsavers.ca/stores/marlboroughmall
SPECTACLE Bureau for Architecture and Urbanism | spectacle-bureau.com
Spiegelbild Coaching | spiegelbildcoaching.com | Member Perk: Receive a 10% discount on leadership coaching programs
Splitsville Entertainment | splitsville.ca
Spolumbo's Fine Foods & Deli | spolumbos.com
Sport Calgary | sportcalgary.ca
Spray Management Inc.
Springbank Dental Centre (Woo Szott Prof Corp.) | springbankdental.ca
Spruce Meadows | sprucemeadows.com
Sprung Instant Structures | sprung.com
St. John Ambulance | sja.ca
Stack'd Consulting
Stantec Consulting Ltd. | stantec.com
STARS | stars.ca
Startup Office | startupoffice.ca
Steeling Home | steelinghome.ca
Stephens Holman Devraj
Sterling Alberta | sterling-alberta.com
Stillwater Developments Inc.
Stirling Benefit Plans/Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance | stirlingbenefitplans.com
STRAAD Consulting | straad.ca
Stretch & Minogue Communication Inc. | stretchminogue.com
STRIDE Management Corp. | stridemgmt.com
Strike Group | strikegroup.ca
Structure Chartered
Stueck, Jay | signaltapower.com
Studio C&G Inc. | studiocandg.com
Studio | Ru Interior Design | studioru.ca
Sultanova Immigration Consulting | sultanova-immigration.com
Summit Commercial Consulting Limited
SummitPath Bookkeeping Inc. | summitpath.ca
Summit Search Group Inc. | summitsearchgroup.com
Suncor Energy Services Inc. | suncor.com
Sun Life Canada | sunlife.ca
Sunshine Village Corporation | skibanff.com
Sunterra Group | sunterramarket.com
Sunwapta Solutions Inc. | sunwaptasolutions.com
Superheroes Academy | superheroes.academy
SureCall | surecallcc.com
SureHire | surehire.com
Surgical Centres Inc.
Sushi Crave Japanese Cafe | y93kitchen.com
Swan Hills Synfuels LP | shsynfuels.shiftf10.com
Sylvan Learning Centre - Marrett Investments Corp. | educate.com
Tacit Edge | tacit-edge.com
TACT Demolition Inc. | tactdemolition.ca
Tail Blazers Ranchlands | tailblazerspets.com
Tailwind Ventures | tailwindventures.co
TallSky Consulting Group | tallsky.ca
Talus Technologies Inc. | explorationarchives.com
TangoRide Inc. | tangoride.com
Tanzah Holdings Inc. | tanzah.ca
TAQA North Ltd. | na.taqa.com
Taste the City | tastethecity.ca | Member Perk: 20% discount on any Tues/Wed/Thurs tastings
Tauber Petrochemical Canada ULC | tauberoil.com
Tawaw Architecture Collective INC. | tawarc.com
TC Energy | tcenergy.com
TCG Machines Inc.
TD Bank Group | td.com
TD Insurance - Business Insurance | tdinsurance.com
TeckPath | teckpath.com
Teine Energy | teine-energy.com
Tekarra Project Services Ltd. | tekarraprojects.com
TELUS | telus.com
Tenato Strategy Inc. | tenato.com
TenjaGo | tenjago.com
Telus Spark | sparkscience.ca
Terakita Electric Ltd.
Terrestrial Energy | terrestrialenergy.com
TES - The Employment Solution | tes.net
TESNAS Inc LTD | tesnas.com
The Alex Community Health Centre | thealex.ca
The Beach YYC | thebeachyyc.ca
The Calgary Foundation | calgaryfoundation.org
The Calgary Institute of Counselling | counsellinginstitute.ca
The Canadian Institute of Natural & Integrative Medicine | cinim.org
The Chocolate Lab | chocolatelab.ca
The City of Calgary | calgary.ca
The Commons Calgary | thecommonscalgary.com | Member Perk: Host your next event at a discounted rental rate of $2,000 in the historic Hemingway Room!
The Confluence Historic Site & Parkland | theconfluence.ca
The Driving Alternative | keysplease.net
The Evans Hunt Group | evanshunt.com
The Explorers and Producers Association of Canada (EPAC) | explorersandproducers.ca
The Gardiner - Linstead Landscape + Maintenance | hirethegardener.com
The Hangar Flight Museum | thehangarmuseum.ca
The Heritage Studio Ltd.
The Leaders Circle | leaderscircle.com
The Leaders Team | leadersteam.com
The Mobile Accountant | themobileaccountant.ca
The Mustard Seed Society | theseed.ca
The Myriad Group Inc.
The Negotiations Collective | negotiationscollective.com
The Personal Insurance Company | thepersonal.com
The Pursuit Department | pursuitdept.com
The Republic Law | republiclaw.ca
The Rubic | therubic.com
The School of Public Policy | policyschool.ca
The Shooting Edge Inc. | theshootingedge.com
The Westin Calgary | marriott.com
The Westley Hotel | thewestleyhotel.com | Member Perk: Enjoy an exclusive discount of 10% at The Westley Hotel
The Willows Box & Co. | willowsbox.ca
The51 | the51.com
Thermon Canada Inc. | thermon.com
ThinkTech Software Inc. | thethinktech.com
Thomas Jeffery Men's Wear | thomasjeffery.ca
ThreeShield Information Security Corporation | threeshield.ca
Threestones Allianca inc. | threestonesalliance.ca
Thriving Care Inc. | thrivingcare.co
Thriving Workplaces | thrivingworkplaces.ca
THRYV | thryv.com
Tibbles, Glenn
Tiger Property Group Inc.
Tim Wade Consulting Inc. | timwadeconsulting.com
Timeless Upholstery | timelessfurniturecorp.com
TKLL & Associate, Chartered Professional Accountants LLP | tkll.ca
TLJ Engineering Consultants Ltd. | tlj-eng.com
TMH Business Coaching and Consulting | tmhbusinesscoaching.com
tng | tngleaders.com
Toller, Chris
Tom's House of Pizza Ltd. (Adventures in Scuba Inc.) | tomshouseofpizza.com
Nguyen, Tony
Toonie Tours | toonietours.ca
Torys LLP | torys.com
Total Communication Services Inc. | totalcomm.ca
TOSSA Sustainability Services | tossa-sustainability.com
Touchstone Health | touchstonehealthcalgary.com
Tourism Calgary | visitcalgary.com
Tourmaline Oil Corp | tourmalineoil.com
Tower Engineering Group | towereng.ca
Town of Okotoks | okotoks.ca
Trace Associates | traceassociates.ca
TradeSpace | gotradespace.com
Trail Bottle Exchange | trailbottledepot.ca
Trajan Scientific and Medical | trajanscimed.com
Trans Mountain Canada Inc. | transmountain.com
TransAlta Corporation | transalta.com
Transportation Licensing
Trapped Calgary | trapped.com
Travel Alberta | travelalberta.com
TRB Consulting Ltd.
Tree House Flower, Plant & Gift Shop | thetreehouseflowers.com
Trellis Society | growwithtrellis.ca
TRGR Advertising
Trico Homes Inc. | tricohomes.com
Troy Valuations | troyvalue.com
TRS Automotive | trsauto.ca
TRS Staffing Solutions (Canada) Inc. | trsstaffing.com
True Market Design Inc. | truemarket.ca
TrulyLegit | trulylegit.com
Tua Financial (Simplfinance Ltd.) | tuafinancial.com
Tugko Inc.
Turner Signs | turnersigns.com
Two Wheel View - Calgary Inc. | twowheelview.org
U.A.L. Inc
U Technology Corporation | utechnology.ca
Udeck Designs Corp.
UFA Co-operative Limited | ufa.com
Ultrawhite Clinic Ltd. | ultrawhiteclinic.com
UniFirst Canada Ltd. | unifirst.com
Unimaize Technologies Inc.
Union Vape Co. | unionvapeco.com
Unique Education Academy | uea-yyc.ca
United Active Living | unitedactiveliving.com
United Way of Calgary and Area | calgaryunitedway.org
Unity | unity.com
University of Calgary | ucalgary.ca
Uptima Information Tech | uptima.com
Urban Bean Coffee Company Ltd. | urbanbean.ca
Urban Systems | urbansystems.ca
Valenta | valenta.io
Valentine Volvo | valentinevolvo.com
Valiant Hosting & Security | valianthosting.ca
Van Horne Institute | vanhorneinstitute.com
VanderLeek Law | vanderleeklaw.ca
Vanp Brand Studio | vanpbrandstudio.com
Vantedge | vantedge.com
Variety - the Children's Charity of Alberta | varietyalberta.ca
Varme | varmeenergy.com
Vartika Satija
Vaquita Inc. | vaquita.ca
Veerum Inc. | veerum.com
Veldtster Inc.
VENDO Media | vendomedia.co | Member Perk: Receive 40% off any VENDO asset
Ventrek Strategy Systems | ventrek.com
Venue 308 + The Brownstone | venue308.com
Vertech Marketing & Web Design | vertechmarketing.com
Vertigo Theatre Society | vertigotheatre.com
Vibrant Communities Calgary | vibrantcalgary.com
Viewpoint Investment Partners | viewpointgroup.ca
Village Brewery | villagebrewery.com
VIMY HR | vimyhr.com
Vipco Industries Ltd. | vipco.ca
Vipul Jasani
Viridian Family Office | viridian.ca
Viridian Solutions | viridiansolutions.ca
Virtuous Circle Counselling | vccounselling.com
ViTreo Group Inc. | vitreogroup.ca
Vivid Theory | vividtheory.com
Vu Legal | vulegal.ca
Vyefield Enterprises/Farm
W. Capra Consulting Group | wcapra.com
Wade Clement Inspections and Consulting Inc.
Wall Art Inc. | wallartinc.ca
Waller Co. Ltd.
Walter-Fedy | walterfedy.com
Walmart | walmart.ca
wareFX Technologies Inc. | warefx.com
Waterfront Park | waterfrontparks.ca | Member Perk: Get 15% off venue booking for your next corporate event
Watersmart Solutions Ltd. | watersmartsolutions.ca
Watson, Allan
Wayne J. Kennedy Professional Corporation | waynekennedy.ca
WBM Technologies | wbm.ca
WCD | wcdconnect.com
WCG Services | wcgservices.com
Wee Wild Ones | weewildones-yyc.com
We Share Supply Inc. | wesharesupply.com
WealthBridge Group | wealthbridge.com
Wedge Networks | wedgenetworks.com
Wellings of Calgary | wellingsofclagary.com
Well To Well Consulting Inc.
Werner Haag Chartered Accountants
Werx Facilities Corporation | werxfc.ca
Westbridge Canada | westbridgecanada.com
Westco Construction Ltd. | westcoconstruction.ca
West Coast Reduction | wcrl.com
Western Civil Enforcement | civilenforcement.com
Western Elite Real Estate | westenrealestate.com
Western Flat Deck Trucking Ltd.
Western Granite & Stone Ltd
Western Saws Ltd.
Western Site Technologies Inc.
Western Water Resources
WestJet | westjet.com
Westrock Financial (My Canada Payday) | mycanadapayday.com
Westwood Strategies | westwoodstrategies.ca
White Glove Home Imaging Ltd.
White Oak Dental | whiteoakdental.ca
White Whale Analytics Ltd
WJ Agency | williamjoseph.com
Willoughby & Associates Ltd. | chamberplan.ca
Wingman Direct Marketing | wmdm.ca | Member Perk: Eligible small businesses can receive up to $125,000 in funding through the Canada Digital Adoption Program
Winro Investments Inc.
WinSport | winsport.ca
Wipe Clean Window Cleaning Ltd | wipeclean.ca
Wise, Val
Within Licensed Interior Design Inc. | withindesign.ca
WJ Agency | williamjoseph.com
WLS Professional Services | santhush.com
Wolf Midstream | wolfmidstream.com
Wood's Homes | woodshomes.ca
Woodridge Ford Lincoln Ltd. | woodridgeford.com
Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) - Alberta | wcb.ab.ca
WorkForce Strategies International Inc. | workforcestrat.com
World of Spas | worldofspas.com
World Petroleum Council Canada | wpccanada.com
WTAL Canada | wtl.ca
WTS Logistics Inc. | wtslogistics.com
WWICS Canada Inc. | wwicsgroup.com
XSENSOR Technology | xsensor.com
Xthetics Face & Body Sculpt | xhetics.ca | Member Perk: Calgary Chamber members receive 20% off on flowers, plants, balloons, and giftware
Yardstick Technologies | yardsticktechnologies.com
Yellow Dog Trucking Ltd. | yellowdogtrucking.com
YMCA Calgary | ymcacalgary.org
YoungHaven Holdings
Your Future Fulfilled Coaching | yffnow.ca
Yvonne Inc. | yvonne-inc.com
YW Calgary | ywcalgary.ca
ZACS Computer Audio Video | zacs.ca
Zahara, Cheryl
Zelos Investment Counsel | zelosglobal.com
Zen on 8th | kabuku.ca
ZGM Modern Marketing Partners | zgm.ca
Zoon Group Inc. | zoon.ca
Zyn The Wine Market Ltd. | zyn.ca
2020 Resources (Canada) Ltd. | skyquarry.com
48th Media Co. | 48thmediaco.ca
85 Industrial Machining Ltd.