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October 25 2021

COVID-19 Workplace Safety Plan Template

This article was originally posted by Goodlawyer.

Below you’ll find a COVID-19 Workplace Safety Plan template. While this template was designed to meet the COVID-19 requirements of employers in Ontario as per provincial regulations and local orders and directives, it can be used by any business in any province.

You can fill the template out on your own, or go through it step-by-step with a Good Lawyer by booking a contract review at $25 per page. Your Good Lawyer can assist in ensuring you are meeting your local requirements if your operations are outside of Ontario. That way you can be sure you’re set up for success and that you are effectively protecting your business, employees, and customers. Now that’s affordable peace of mind.

The provincial governments of Ontario and British Columbia have made the implementation of an Ontario Workplace Safety Plan and BC Workplace Safety Plan a requirement under their COVID-19 public health orders. For businesses located in provinces where a COVID-19 safety plan is not mandated, there remains the duty to provide a safe and healthy workplace under the provincial occupational health & safety legislation. Implementing a COVID-19 Safety Plan that outlines the steps taken to address a safe re-entry to in-person work documents OH&S compliance.

This Goodlawyer COVID-19 Ontario Workplace Safety Plan template covers the basic safety requirements that are suitable for businesses with basic operational and staffing requirements. If your business is unionized, in a sector with additional restrictions such as health care, long-term care or education, open to the public, in an open-plan space, serving vulnerable populations or has vulnerable staff, additional and more restrictive measures may be appropriate.

If you wish to implement a rapid testing and/or mandatory vaccination program, additional guidance should be sought as these programs have legal implications including privacy, the collection and retention of health information and obligations for accommodation under the human rights acts. Book an advice session with Goodlawyer for guidance.

Use this template to document how your organization will keep staff, customers/visitors and other people safe at your workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Planning section is organized to ask questions and provide options for your consideration. This section is designed to assist you to develop and consider which protective measures are appropriate to your workplace. This section can either be used as a working document or may be published as background/further information in support of your Plan Summary.

The Plan Summary captures the work done in the Planning section and will help you create a snapshot version of your plan to post in the workplace. This can act as a reference for workers, customers and others who come into your workplace, so they are informed of the steps you are taking to keep everyone safe.

Click here for the template