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November 27 2020

City Budget 2021 relieves short-term financial pressure, but structural challenges go unaddressed

The following statement is attributable to Murray Sigler, interim CEO, Calgary Chamber of Commerce

Calgary, November 27, 2020 – “Budget 2021 will relieve some of the financial pressure faced by businesses and citizens during this difficult time. It includes an overall tax rate decrease of 1.77 per cent and a 10 per cent cap on non-residential property tax increases. While these measures point us in the right direction, we must ensure fairness in our property tax system and deliver long-term sustainable budgeting.

“Many businesses in Calgary will still see property tax increases next year due to structural problems within the tax system, and the shift of the tax burden from the high rises in our downtown to businesses outside of the core.

“There is more work to do, and our position on the City’s finances remain clear:

“The City’s current financial position demands thoughtful and creative solutions to reduce costs and generate revenue without placing the tax burden on businesses and the citizens they employ and serve. We urge collaboration between the municipal and provincial governments to find long-term solutions and build vibrant and prosperous communities.

“The Calgary Chamber stands ready to facilitate discussions with our business community, and to bring forward solutions.”

About the Calgary Chamber

The Calgary Chamber is an independent non-profit, non-partisan business organization. For 129 years the Chamber has worked to build a business community that nourishes, powers and inspires the world.

For media inquiries, please contact Marina Connors, Communications Manager, at or at (403) 750-0401.

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