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July 15 2024 Calgary Chamber

Calgary Chamber announces Small Business Pillar Partnership with Rogers Business

Calgary Chamber Small Business Pillar Partnership with Rogers Business

This new collaboration will focus on championing and empowering Calgary’s vibrant small business community.

Calgary, July 15, 2024 – The Calgary Chamber is pleased to announce Rogers Business as their new Small Business Pillar Partner. This exciting collaboration will bring enhanced support, resources and opportunities to Calgary's vibrant small business community, helping businesses reach their full potential and succeed in today's ever-changing marketplace.

"Rogers Business is a natural fit as our Small Business Pillar Partner," says Deborah Yedlin, President and CEO of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce. "Their commitment to providing comprehensive support and innovative solutions will empower our small business members, particularly during our Small Business Week this October. Together, we will continue to create an environment where small businesses can thrive and contribute to Calgary's economic growth."

Rogers Business is renowned for its dedication to supporting small businesses with a wide range of services, including advanced technology solutions, expert advice and tailored resources. This partnership will provide Calgary Chamber members and the entire small business community with access to resources and opportunities designed to foster growth and success.

In collaboration with Calgary Chamber, Rogers Business will provide support during the Chamber’s Small Business Week in October – a week of impactful panel conversations, networking opportunities and award recognition, all aimed at shining a light on the unique small businesses that help shape Calgary’s community.

Additionally, Rogers Business will be active during Business After Hours – a series of events that provide unique networking experiences, bringing together business owners at Chamber member locations across the city. These events are fun and engaging and provide a casual setting for businesses to discuss common goals, challenges and wins with other guests.

This partnership marks a new chapter in the Calgary Chamber's ongoing commitment to supporting small businesses and fostering a thriving business environment in Calgary.

For more information about the partnership, visit:

About the Calgary Chamber of Commerce

The Calgary Chamber of Commerce exists to help businesses reach their potential. As the convenor and catalyst for a vibrant, inclusive and prosperous business community, the Chamber works to build strength and resilience among its members and position Calgary as a magnet for talent, diversification and opportunity. As an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in 1891, we build on our history to serve and advocate for businesses of all sizes, in all sectors across the city.