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Economic recovery and growth

Our priorities

We envision a diverse and thriving economy where innovation and a strong talent base drive our growth. Calgary’s entrepreneurial spirit will continue to power our economy and thoughtful investments will bring stability, growth and opportunity to our city.


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be uneven among industries, and many businesses still do not have the certainty and stability they need. In addition, issues that existed pre-pandemic have been exposed or exacerbated, highlighting the need to take a proactive approach with economic recovery and diversification:


Economic recovery, particularly coming out of this pandemic, will require an all-hands-on-deck approach. Governments at all levels, industry, small businesses, post-secondaries and non-profit organizations will need to come together to ensure we achieve our economic potential.

Through collaboration, coordination and creative thinking, we can support small businesses in recovering and thriving, and help many access new markets. We can build an economy full of opportunity – and ripe for attracting and retaining talent. We can ensure an inclusive economic recovery that doesn’t leave anyone on the sidelines. We can invest in a more diversified economy that enables us to be more resilient to commodity price volatility.

How we move forward

1. Continue to support businesses as they recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In doing so, provide appropriate support measures to business in hard-hit sectors. Focus on sectors that have been severely impacted and do not have high-risk tolerance or access to capital, including hospitality and tourism, retail and non-profit.

Shift support programs from helping businesses survive to helping businesses grow through job creation, debt relief programs and tax credits.

Streamline government support programs to enable businesses to more easily navigate and access available resources. Additionally, when businesses apply for government support, inform them of other resources available to them, including at the provincial level.

Support new businesses through procurement with targeted support for regions, as well as Indigenous, minority and women-led businesses.

2. Support our economic recovery through inclusive economic growth, promoting a business environment of inclusion and expanding economic opportunity for marginalized and under-represented groups.

Invest in affordable and high-quality child care to increase labour force participation and provide a stronger start for our children, which yields considerable economic benefits and creates a larger tax base. We can achieve this result by increasing support for early childhood educators and training programs to increase the number of people in the profession, while at the same time creating grants catered to Indigenous and newcomer children and families to support early learning and child care centers.

Invest in and incentivize businesses to incorporate social procurement efforts into their organizational strategies.

3. Diversify the economy by encouraging innovation and removing hurdles to scaling up emerging technologies.

Invest in technology at all stages of the value chain including through incubators, accelerators, grants and novel equity arrangements, including start-ups, commercial demonstration and commercialization to ensure projects with a strong business case can reach markets.

Identify and connect businesses with opportunities that support access to capital and allow for direct investment, commercialization, and deployment of Canadian technology into new markets.

Ensure a focus on clean technology, artificial intelligence and sports.

Commit to supporting basic and applied research at post-secondary institutions.

Economic recovery and growth

What we're saying

Calgary Chamber applauds BMO centre expansion and calls for investment in hotels

We are pleased to see the successful completion of the BMO Centre expansion project. A flagship project for Calgary, this investment is key to positioning Calgary as the ultimate host city.

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Calgary Chamber of Commerce logo on white background

Calgary Chamber commends Trans Mountain on expansion

This is a significant milestone not only for Trans Mountain but also for Calgary, Alberta and all of Canada.

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Report: Calgary business optimism skyrockets

The Calgary Chamber highlights business sentiment for Q1 2024.

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