Calgary-based North Water has been named the 2023 recipient of the ENMAX Amplifier Fund, a $25,000 grant that will be used to introduce new technology to bring the business one step closer to zero waste.
The Calgary Chamber is thrilled to partner with Bow Valley College on Reboot Plus, a free career development program that provides workshops and training to youth aged 17 to 24.
The Calgary Chamber is encouraged by the federal government's plans to spur investment as outlined in Budget 2023.
The Calgary Chamber urges the federal government to prioritize solutions related to rising costs and inflation, economic competitiveness and diversification and the labour shortage.
The Calgary Chamber calls on all levels of government to implement and accelerate key measures to support business viability and sustainability including initiatives to address skills gaps, support for new technology adoption and investments in supply chain infrastructure.
The Calgary Chamber calls on both provincial and federal governments to bolster business competitiveness.
The Calgary Chamber calls for Alberta's Climate Plan to balance our shared environmental goals with long-term business success.
The Calgary Chamber calls on the next provincial government to diversify Alberta’s energy mix, advance hydrogen and CCUS.
The Calgary Chamber is encouraged by the provincial government’s fiscal prudence outlined in the 2022-23 budget.